Thursday, October 20, 2011

Winter? - Snowflakes!

As the weather suggests it's pretty much winter here. And what's winter without snow?

So I decided yesterday that it would be fun to bring the Koch Snowflake into the third dimension using the XNA Framework and some libraries I'm working on.

Since the result was a bit too regular (see the images on Wikipedia) and I found a nice video on YouTube with something similar but better looking, I changed my code a bit. And voila: Here it is! My version (of many) 3d Koch Snowflakes...

Be prepared, there is (maybe) more to come...

Initial state
After one iteration
After six iterations
If you are interested in the code, feel free to email me at: f(dot)heinz(at)gmx(dot)net

As my girlfriend stated correctly yesterday, this does not look like like a snowflake since I started from a single triangle. So I changed it to a four faced pyramid. This is the result:
After six iterations

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